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The ingredients for concrete can be found in nature: sand, gravel, water and cement. The cement plays herewith a major, binding role. As different the compositions of single concretes are, as high is the diversity of applications. Concrete can be found in pre-cast elements, building blocks or as ready-mixed concrete which is delivered by mixer truck to the construction site. Depending on the demand, the range covers heavy concretes, lightweight concretes, thermal insulating concretes or pressure-resistant concretes. In any case, concrete is the appropriate material for reliable thermal insulation and humidity protection, and is fire and sound resistant. It is economic, good to handle and perfect rapid high-quality construction.

Always on the spot

Dyckerhoff produces ready-mixed concrete with various construction and physical characteristics. We can always offer the right mix for the respective application. No matter how this looks like: Our customers can always rely on highest qualities! This applies for normal concretes for everyday applications, as well as for our brand products.

Concretes in compliance with DIN EN 206-1 / DIN 1045-2 are manufactured to meet quality standards in our ready-mixed concrete plants, delivered ready for use and monitored by extensive in-house production control. Thanks to our centrally managed regional laboratories, we ensure uniform formulation and constant properties for all concretes. For special applications, we produce concretes in accordance with German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb – Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton) guidelines, German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt – Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen) specifications, or the provisions or datasheets of other organizations and institutions.

Our premium concretes offer architects and designers innovative products and modern construction materials to implement modern styles and unconventional structures. Building contractors and planners can rely on easy product application on site and uniform product quality. Special attention is paid to the cost/benefit ratio in the use of our high quality construction materials. They basically conform to DIN EN 206-1 / DIN 1045-2 or have a general building inspectorate approval and can therefore be used throughout Germany for extremely diverse construction projects without special requirements.

Our liquid soil products for settlement-free drain backfill, void-free pipe bedding and screed round out the Dyckerhoff product range.


Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere neue CO2-reduzierte Produktlinie ECODUR – zertifiziert nach dem CO2-Modul des Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC).

Premiumbetone Premiumbetone

Es ist unser Ziel, durch eine hohe Qualität und durch Produktinnovationen unseren Kunden zusätzlichen Nutzen zu bringen.

Normbetone Normbetone

In unseren Trans­port­beton­werken werden Betone quali­täts­gerecht hergestellt und einbaufertig geliefert.

Betone nach Richtlinien und Merkblättern Betone nach Richtlinien und Merkblättern

Wir produzieren Betone nach Richtlinien des DAfStb, nach Vorgaben der BASt oder nach Vorgaben anderer Institutionen.

CANADUR (Flüssigboden) CANADUR (Flüssigboden)

Der Allrounder für Kanalverfüllungen und Rohrbettungen – direkt aus dem Fahrmischer.

Estriche Estriche

Dünne Schicht mit hohen Anforderungen – mit Pro­dukten von Dyckerhoff kein Problem.

Sand und Kies Sand und Kies

Aus unseren Sand- und Kies­werken beliefern wir unsere Kunden zuverlässig nach ihrem Bedarf.

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Dyckerhoff Betone sind Bestandteil interessanter Bauwerke wie z.B. Gebäude, Brücken, Tunnel, Verkehrswege – und noch viel mehr. Schauen Sie mal!